Sonja Gisèle Vereecken 
Biomorphic Abstraction
graphical art & sculptures in natural fibres

Out of a fascination by biological forms, the rythm and the lines in nature and the space between them, I discovered the medium to express my feelings and creativity.

The most perfect forms in terms of beauty, organization and functionality are made by nature.

The characteristics of pure fragile, unspoiled, unloaded, blank skin offers me the largest possible degree of freedom to achieve my goal.

For the creation of my 3-dimensional objects I prefer the unruliness and resistance of natural fibres as hemp, flax, abaca, cotton.  They need to be refined to a paste, in order to be useful in my specific technique. Mechanical beating during several hours leads to the desired result.  Depending on the process that I follow, the material gets different degrees of shrinkage. No  additives are needed, only the natural properties of the fibriles are put to work.  The drying takes several weeks.  During that time one can see the change of form and pull of the sculptures.  They are usually the result of a synthesis between chaos and reason.

As in nature, evolution constantly takes place under your  eyes, but we cannot define the outcome until the moment the new or yet undiscovered life form stands before us.

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